Can Our Skin Survive The Modern World.

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Can Our Skin Survive The Modern World?

caring for older skin


Its a worrying thought….

Just think of everything that our skin has to deal with on daily basis; sunlight, wind, rain, pollution are just a part of the everyday wear and tear that our poor faces have to endure.

Its a constant battle and we can only do our best to keep those signs of ageing to a minimum.

Choosing the right skincare products can be daunting.

With so many products on the market, – Where do you start?

There’s no one size fits all, more’s the pity, so try and buy smart.  Keep your skincare regime simple.  

Cleanse, Tone and Moisturise

tone and moisturise

Choosing products that suit your skin is preferable to just going straight to what is considered the best for your age. 

Our skin ages at different rates.  For example, If you have been a devoted sun worshipper for many years, you will find you will need a more intensive moisturiser than say those who have constantly kept the sun at bay.

Remember – All products should be kind to, and suit your skin type. 

If you tend to have skin thats on the oily side, don’t just assume that the best cure is an astringent skincare product.  Its not a good idea. 

On the flip side, if your skin is dry, you need to make sure that you are using a quality moisturiser, going further, one that contains a good SPF too

After all, every skin type needs to be kept hydrated and protected.  

Give Natural Ingredients A Try

Your kitchen cupboards hold an amazing array of foodstuffs that are good for you inside and out.

We all know that drinking a good amount of water daily helps not only keep our bodies hydrated but plumps and firms our skin too.  

Oils help to moisturise our skin.  Olive Oil is perfect to use on dry skin.  Rub it into those dry patches daily, also your knees and elbows, especially as we grow older. 

Add a little brown sugar and lemon juice to the mix and voila, you have the perfect exfoliant for your lips:  

lip scrub

lip scrub part 2


Sliced cucumber or cold, used tea bags give the eyes that extra boost, refreshing them and reducing puffiness.

Avoid those huge stores and supermarkets, I have an amazing gentleman who owns a local pharmacy that holds a great range of beauty products. 

He will give you an honest opinion on all the makes of skincare he holds and happily gives out samples to his customers. He will not try and sell you something that will not suit you or your skin.

My Advice Wherever Possible – “Try before you buy.” 

A Leap Of Faith

We are creatures of habit aren’t we?

If you are anything like me, you tend to stick to what you know. 

Why change that cleanser or moisturiser that you have used for years?  –  I hear you say….. 

I have now realised that changing up your beauty regime is absolutely a good idea, especially as your skin changes with age.

What suited you when you were in your teens and easy twenties is probably far too strong for your skin nowadays, especially if you are prone to breakouts from time to time.

Those harsh spot creams that you relied on before you went out clubbing in your youth are now way too drying , so you need to find a good alternative, something that is more suited to your older skin.

As you have gotten older, its almost certain that your skin has become less oily, so you need to change what you use, moisture is the secret to good skin longevity, as is maintaining constant protection from those harmful UV rays.

Invest In Your Skin

There are some amazing skincare brands out there, far more than you will ever find in your local supermarket or pharmacy.

So my advice is – do some research, try a few of these lesser known products out there, they aren’t all expensive, and many are completely natural with no additives, artificial fragrances, parabens and those other nasty chemicals that so many companies use on their products.

I have tried and reviewed some great skincare products on my website, many of them aren’t household names, but they are virtually all 100% natural and most are very effective. Since using them, some have become permanent fixtures in my cosmetic drawer.

They are not necessarily expensive either – Why don’t you check them out!

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The information in this website is for advice and guidance only. It is based on my own intensive research and personal experiences, and is not intended to replace professional medical advice, or to diagnose or treat any health conditions. All rights reserved.