What Is Rosacea?

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What Is Rosacea?

Rosacea: What Is It, and How To Treat It


Rosacea is a chronic, yet treatable condition that can effect both men and women. Usually effective the central part of the face, it can be characterised by regular flare ups and periods of remission.

It can develop at any age, and can take various forms. After the age of 30 for instance, it can begin as flushing or redness on the cheeks, chin, nose or forehead.

Studies into this problem, have determined that if left unchecked, the periods of redness can become more regular and longer lasting. 

Visible blood vessels can appear, inflamed bumps and pimples appear, and in the case of men in particular the nose can increase in size due to excess skin tissue.

up to 50% of patients can also find that their eyes can be effected, with them often feeling itchy, irritated and looking bloodshot and watery.

This article looks at Rosacea, its causes, symptoms and treatments

Who Is More At Risk Of Rosacea ?

Rosacea can effect virtually anybody, but it is apparent that those with fairer skin types, and those who have a tendency to blush or flush easily are at higher risk. It is more prevalent in women, but it is generally more severe in men. 

Rosacea can be genetic, running in families and does seem to be more prevalent in those of northern and Eastern descent. 

The National Rosacea Society reports that over 90% of Rosacea sufferers found that it reduced their self confidence and a staggering 41% of sufferers saw the condition lead them to avoid public and social occasions.

88% of sufferers said that the problem affected their professional interactions and over 50% actually took time off work because of their condition.

signs of rosacea

Causes Of Rosacea

The actual cause is unknown and there is no permanent cure. There are thoughts that exposure to cold winds, extreme and heat dryness could trigger the problem.

Recent studies have gone further to shown a possible link to an inflammatory condition caused by issues with the neurovascular and immune systems.

Also a microscopic mite called Demodex Folliclorum – commonly found on human skin, is generally present in greater amounts in patients with rosacea.

That said its diagnosis and treatments have advanced considerably, and there is now no need for its appearance to blight your life.

Diagnosing Rosacea

Rosacea can generally be diagnosed if you display either of these signs:

Skin Thickening – Excess tissue can make the skin thicken, most commonly on the use and surrounding area ( a condition called rhinophyma) it is less common, and if left unchecked can in extreme cases lead to reduced nasal airflow and even facial disfigurement.

Persistent Redness – Facial redness that does not disappear is the most common signs of Rosacea, it resembles the look of sunburn or a blush that does not disappear.

The Major Signs Of Rosacea


Most sufferers of Rosacea have regular blushing or flushing, the redness usually being accompanied by a feeling of warmth or burning that does and goes.

Visible Veins and Blood Vessels

Its quite common for sufferers of Rosacea to display small surface veins and blood vessels on the cheeks, the top of the nose and generally around the central areas of the face.

Pimples And Bumpy Skin

Solid red bumps and even pus filled spots can develop, although they look like acne, there are generally no blackheads or other tell tale signs, and the suffer could experience burning or stinging sensations.

Irritated Eyes

In quite a few sufferers, their eyes can become irritated, weary and bloodshot. This is a condition known as ocular rosacea. Eyelids can become swollen and red, its also quite common for styes to develop.

Visible blood vessels can become noticeable around the eye lids, and its also common for crust or scale to build up around the eyelids and lashes.

If allowed to become serious, vision can become affected.

signs of rosacea

Other signs can include:

Burning And Stinging that can develop on the face, sufferers can also experience tightening of the skin.

Swellings can develop alongside other symptoms of Rosacea. Sometimes raised red patches (plaques) can develop. 

Dryness can occur particularly around the central part of the face, sufferers can also experience a scaly look to the skin.

Treating Rosacea

The problem can vary between patient to patient, may doctors will tailor a treatment plan according to the severity of the problem. 

Topical treatments are generally used to control the redness, bumps and pimples. 

Anti-inflammatory treatments can also be used to help maintain periods of remission.

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Some dermatologists recommend the use of lasers or other intense light therapies to remove surface blood vessels and to correct any disfigurement of the nose area.

Sufferers experiencing ocular rosacea will also find that anti inflammatory treatments can offer some great help.

Ongoing Skin Care

cleaning skin on rosacea effected woman

A gentle skin care regime should be used to help control rosacea. Its recommended that anybody suffering from rosacea clean their face with mild, non abrasive cleanser, then rinse the skin with luke warm water. 

The skin should be blot dried with soft cotton towel, never rub, pull or use a harsh towel or cloth.

Regular use of non irritating skin care products are essential and its also recommended to use a quality sunscreen with a minimum SPF factor of 30 or higher.

This with sensitive skin should use non chemical products containing titanium dioxide or zinc, avoiding any products that cause burning or stinging sensations.


Its quite possible to cancel out the effects of rosacea, foundations with a green tint or a natural yellow tone are very good at cancelling redness. 

Avoid makeup with pink or orange tones as these can accentuate the red affects of rosacea.


Its also possible for Rosacea to be effected by lifestyle and environmental factors. Flushing could be caused by exposure to pollution, smoking, even alcohol in some patients.

Identifying these triggers is a truly personal process, what causes a breakout in one person, will not effect another.

Do You Suffer From Rosacea? Or Have You Experienced It In The Past? Please Share Your Experiences, Also If You Have Any Treatment Suggestions – Use The Comment Box Below.

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The information in this website is for advice and guidance only. It is based on my own intensive research and personal experiences, and is not intended to replace professional medical advice, or to diagnose or treat any health conditions. All rights reserved.